No Standards is the Standard
Making Sense of the Selction
We know lofts vary between brands, but did you know that lofts also vary between models from the same manufacturer?
Here are the #7 iron lofts for four 2020 releases from the same big manufacturer.

Which is best for YOU?
What if I told you that the launch angle of the 27° loft model is actually higher than the launch angle of the 33° loft model? We’ll help you find out what irons fit you best.
“What club did you hit there?” Asking your playing partner this familiar question to inform your own shot making is a mistake. Their #7-iron could be ‘equivalent’ to your #5-iron. It’s best to focus on YOUR lofts and how far YOU hit each iron in YOUR bag. A distance chart is something every golfer should use. If you want some help with this,
Every single golfer, regardless of skill level, benefits from playing with fitted irons. By taking 30 seconds to answer these two simple questions, you could open the door to years of better iron play.
Know your game
A more considered approach
A perfect strike doesn’t guarantee a good shot. A good shot is one that lands where you expected it to. And to do that, there are three things you need to consider.
Wind What direction is it coming from? How strong is it?
Lie Could you be lying in a flyer? Is there any slope?
Is your target level with, above or below you?
Combine this with your knowledge of how far you usually hit every club, and you arrive at the truth about which club you need to take on your approach.
Many golfers base their carry distances on a perfect strike, rather than how they USUALLY strike the ball. And because of that, they often take too little club. Knowing how far you hit every club is going to save you shots, and shocks. If you’re unsure about your true carry distances, then when we next see you, let’s talk about it, or