You’ll learn more about your swing in 5 minutes on a Trackman than an hour at the range! Use the same technology the pros use to dial in your swing in a controlled environment with instant feedback. Join one of our monthly practice options for the best deal in town.
- Annual Membership
Lock in your rate with our Annual Membership and receive up to 2 hours per day of practice time in the Trackman Bays. Must be paid in full. Price - $900 / year ($75/month)
- Winter Practice Program
Really lock in your game this winter. The Winter Practice Program gets you access to a practice bay for up to 2 hours per day.
$85/month with autopay (cancel anytime)
$95/month (paid monthly) - Pro Series
Receive one 1-hour lesson per month as well as 2 hours per day of simulator time.
Price - $209/month
25 member Maximum
Winter Practice Series
Winter is a great time to work on many aspects of your game in our Controlled, Indoor Environment. Check out the packages to determine which one is right for you. Winter Practice Series runs from Oct 1st, 2023 through March 31st, 2024.
- Pro Series
Receive one 1-hour lesson per month as well as enrollment in the Winter Practice Membership. Requires a 6 month commitment. Price - $195/month 25 member Maximum
- Winter Memebership
Really lock in your game this winter. The membership gets you access to a practice bay for up to 2 hours per day. $89.95 per month $495 for 6 months Capped at 100 members
- Ultimate Putting Program
Use the new Well Putt Platform in conjunction with the SAM PuttLab to drop that score. $50 for 6 months